范爷毛球耳环引领春夏皮草配饰潮 Trend Alert: Fur Pom poms land in China
范爷3月23日现身成都机场,黑色棒球帽+黑超墨镜搭配V领针织衫,格外清新休闲,而最引人注目的就是一对造型夸张的毛毛耳坠,浅蓝与深蓝的组合与针织衫及牛仔裤的色彩完美呼应,走动时毛球在面颊两侧轻轻跳跃的感觉又透出少女的活泼与顽皮。随后在3月24日的《极速前进》启动发布会现场,范冰冰身着干练的西服依然搭配同一对毛绒耳环,她到底是有多爱Pom Pom啊~有范爷背书,这股毛绒绒风潮势必妥妥滴席卷2017春夏配饰领域。
Recently spotted at Chengdu airport, Chinese superstar Bingbing FAN arrived to excited fans, signed autographs and confirmed to fashion followers everywhere that pom poms are here to stay this spring. Dressed in a casual navy knit, jeans and baseball cap, Bingbing sported a statement pair of blue pom pom earrings. Clearly a FAN favourite, Bingbing repeated the earrings the next day at a TV appearance, combining the look with a polished grey suit. As always, Chinese movie star and trend setter is dictating what’s next for China’s fashion scene.
▲无论是参加发布会活动的正装还是在机场的休闲装,范爷都搭配这对毛绒绒耳坠。Bingbing used same earrings to match both the casual look and the suit.
范爷轻轻地在范粉的心头种下了这把草,那这对毛绒绒到底来自什么品牌呢?搭配师线报,耳环来自纽约配饰品牌Tuleste, 该品牌2008年由一对来自加州的年轻姐妹创立,2017春夏推出了各种皮草、羽毛和羊毛毛线做成的毛球耳坠。
Fans are on the hunt to replicate her look by New York accessories brand Tuleste. Founded in 2008 by two sisters Sate and Celeste from California, Tuleste’s Spring/Summer collection launched a new line of pom pom earrings made of colourful furs, feathers and yarn.
▲来自纽约的配饰品牌Tuleste2017春夏推出了多款由各种皮草、羽毛和羊毛毛线做成的毛球耳坠。for 2017 spring & summer, Tuleste launched a new pom pom collection, which are made by furs, feathers and yarn.
Traditionally regarded as a material solely for winter, fur is being reimagined by designers in Spring/Summer collections. Just last year, we saw the pom pom effect sweep footwear around the globe, decorating sneakers, slippers and high heels. Bloggers and fashion influencers just love it!
▲从2016年春夏季开始,皮草在配饰上的应用就已经开始引领潮流,很多鞋履品牌纷纷在凉鞋上加上了色彩缤纷的毛球。相信在未来两年的春夏,各种毛绒绒的配饰将继续流行。In 2016 spring and summer, many shoe brands used pom pom elements to decorate sneakers, slippers and high heels. We believe in next few years, the pom pom looks will be continually popular.
Do not say anything, just buy them.